Monday, March 22, 2010

The Day I Joined MCD's

Please let me know what you think of this story. (not real story i did not join MD's)
The Day I Joined McDonald’s

My hair color is brown, my height is 6 foot 2, and I have bad luck, really bad luck, because of my birthday. In winter I slip a lot. I am always late for my first day of work so I always get fired on my first day of work.
My car never, ever starts in the winter, my car always has a flat tire in the spring, and in the summer my car engine is always broken even if it was fixed the day before that. In the fall the front windshield is always shattered.

The day I joined McDonald’s the World felt different. I started working the next day, but when I left the house I slipped on some ice and slid all the way down the driveway onto the road right when a bus was coming. The bus stopped in time.
By the time it stopped, I was laying on the middle of the road. I got up off the road and went to my car. I got in the car and started it. Five seconds later it stalled, I tried it again, then the hood blew off and engine parts went flying. I went back into the house, got my bike went outside, slid down the sidewalk again, with the bike following behind me. I got up but the bike hit me on the feet and then I fell again.
I got back up picked up my bike, road five feet then the back tire exploded, but I kept on riding down the street. Then my front tire exploded, and the seat came off. I said something to myself in my mind “I hate how my mother had to give birth to me on FRIDAY the 13th”
Then I said, “It can’t get any worse then this,” and the whole bike fell apart.
While I was lying on the ground, I thought of an idea “Run!”, so I started running. I ran like I never ran before. Then I looked around and saw nothing was moving but me. I looked at the ground and saw I was standing on some ice.
“I’ve been running for five minutes”, I said. Then all of a sudden my car was moving down the street. I had to run after it, but I was still on the ice. My car was headed down the hill, so it was catching speed 50, 60, 70 mph. It hit the fence into the lake, but good thing it’s winter, the ice is fro…CRASH! Wait, never mind. I took a step off the ice and I fell again! I started walking down the street to the bus stop. When I got there I slipped again.

I got back up and had to wait an hour before I could get on the bus. When I got on the bus I put in a $1.75 then I had to wait another hour. Then the bus finally arrived and I got on. By this time I went halfway around the city in the wrong direction.
I had to run to the next bus stop but when I reached into my pocket I had no money. I had to run all of the way to the other side of the city, I was super tired by the time I got to McDonald’s. I got fired by my boss when I told him the story, He did not believe me.
The day I joined Wal-Mart By: Shane

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